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Варианты доступа при раке желудка

What is gastric cancer? Gastric cancer develops from malignant cells in the lining of the stomach, the part of the digestive system which processes nutrients and helps to pass waste material out of the body. The wall of the stomach is made up of 3 layers of tissue: the mucosal (innermost) layer, the muscularis (middle) layer, and the serosal (outermost) layer. Gastric cancer begins in the cells lining the mucosal layer and spreads through the outer layers as it grows. Stomach cancer was the 5th most diagnosed cancer in 2012, with almost a million new cases, accounting for 6.8% of all cancer cases.
  1. Opdivo
    Opdivo (Nivolumab)
    Рак мочеточника, рак толстой кишки, рак головы и шеи, рак почек, рак печени, рак легких, лимфома, кожный рак.
  2. Keytruda
    Keytruda (pembrolizumab)
    Рак мочеточника, рак груди, рак толстой кишки, рак желудка, рак головы и шеи, рак почек, рак легких, лимфома, кожа Рак
  3. Qinlock
    Qinlock (ripretinib)
    Рак желудка
  4. Enhertu
    Enhertu (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki)
    Рак груди, рак желудка...
  5. Джеселхи (pimitespib)
    Джеселхи (pimitespib)
    Рак желудка
  6. Cyramza
    Cyramza (ramucirumab)
    Рак толстой кишки, рак желудка, рак легких.
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