Product Catalog [{"id":"488","name":"Lagevrio","price":1,"sku":"Lagevrio (molnupiravir)","brand":"Merck ","position":1,"category":"Medicines\/Infectiology\/COVID-19"},{"id":"346","name":"Veklury","price":1,"sku":"Veklury (remdesivir)","brand":"Gilead Sciences International Limited","position":2,"category":"Medicines\/Infectiology\/COVID-19"},{"id":"333","name":"RoActemra","price":1032.48,"sku":"RoActemra (tocilizumab)","brand":false,"position":3,"category":"Medicines\/Infectiology\/COVID-19"},{"id":"24","name":"Olumiant","price":1306.7,"sku":"Olumiant (baricitinib)","brand":"Eli Lilly Nederland B.V.","position":4,"category":"Medicines\/Infectiology\/COVID-19"}]

COVID-19 access options

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is often called ‘the coronavirus’ or ‘corona’, but the official name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is spread through human-to-human transmission. Coughing and sneezing produces small droplets, which can be breathed in by someone else who then becomes infected. The droplets can also be passed on via hand contact, for example if someone touches their nose or face and then shakes hands.
  1. Olumiant
    Olumiant (baricitinib)
    Ревматоидный артрит
  2. Veklury
    Veklury (remdesivir)
    Price available on request
  3. Lagevrio
    Лагеврио (молнупиравир)
    Price available on request
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